Monday, April 15, 2019

Francisco Delgado at the El Paso Museum of Art

Francisco Delgado gave a print demo for a select audience at the El Paso Museum of Art on Wednesday, April 3rd, 2019.  Ambos Lados printmakers are getting out there!

From Instagram:

"Last night, I had the opportunity do a print demo and meet some great curators and museum professionals from through out Texas, other US states and Canada at the El Paso Museum of Art. Big thanks, photo credits and sales go to my wife..."

Oaxaca Color

There were many pleasant distractions in Oaxaca, as it is a city rich in art and color.  Below are some diversions outside of delivering prints for the Ambos Lados project.

I bought this large print from Federico Valdez
in the center of Oaxaca

After Federico Valdez showed me this woodblock,
I had to buy it

The next day I accidentally ran into Federico Valdez at Taller La Chicharra,
making my print on their big press.
Alan Altamirano (owner of Taller La Chicharra), Federico Valdez

Showing off the print in Santa Fe,
during the Tuesday night drawing session,
April 16, 2019,

I also bought this print by Inocencio Villegas,

Many of the printmaking studios in central Oaxaca city
are listed in the Pasaporte Grafico

studio of woodcut prints --
They published the Oaxaca Carpeta

Gabinete Grafica is run by Irving Herrera,
and is also the home of Daniel Hernandez

Street art based on a  Leopoldo Mendez print

Javelina carving

I also bought these two javelina prints
at the studio of Daniel Pacheco and Cristina Anorve


Mosquito Elephant drawing
in the MUPO

Mosquito Elephant sculpture


MACO is the Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Oaxaca.  Upstairs was an exhibit curated by Marietta Bernstorff -- Under the Cobalt Blue Sky -- where 13 American artists collaborated with 13 Oaxacan craftsmen.

Angelica Vasquez Cruz and Angel Victor Garcia Vasquez
collaborated on this sculpture
at the MACO

Jesus Gonzalez Gutierrez teaches fresco painting in Oaxaca


The artwork of Zeke Peña was plastered all over Oaxaca, promoting the presentation of the book he illustrated, and Isabel Quintero wrote, about the life of Graciela Iturbide.  Zeke Peña of El Paso, participated in the YayBig Print Exchange, and the Desert Triangle Print Carpeta.  Both Zeke and Isabel gave many book presentations in the United States, including in El Paso.

Zeke Peña's artwork on the flyers
all over Oaxaca

The presentation was at the 

about to talk about the book she wrote  --
Zeke Peña was not at the presentation

A wedding

Bicycles line up for Critical Mass Oaxaca style

"Planton" protest in front of the Oaxaca State Palace

Vente a Veinte bar near the Zocalo
(note the photo at the top right)

When the Beatles came to Mexico

Classic Mexican photo
by Ismael Casasola

economical and in the center of Oaxaca
on Cinco de Mayo


  • Mexico/Thailand

Esta convocatoria podrá recibir trabajos elaborados bajo cualquier técnica y cualquier temática del arte contemporáneo, únicamente en tamaño A3. Las personas interesadas deberán enviar una fotografía digital de alta resolución, de frente, de cada pieza a concursar, limitado a tres trabajos por artista, al correo electrónico antes del 30 de junio de 2019.

  • Japan

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Delivering Prints to Oaxaca

I (Karl Whitaker) flew down personally to deliver the prints to Oaxaca on April 3rd, 2019.

Print delivery party in Zaachila, Oaxaca


On the way out of El Paso,
I saw Christin Apodaca's new mural

All the cars lined up on the border at 6 am,
coming into the United States

Graffiti on the Ciudad Juarez side,
visible from the bridge over the Rio Grande river


I flew from Ciudad Juarez, and arrived in Oaxaca at night, and was greeted by the beautiful Santo Domingo church in the center of Oaxaca City in the morning. 

Santo Domingo Church in the center of Oaxaca

The streets of Oaxaca

Collective taxi on Calle Bustamante, 
near the Zocalo in Oaxaca,
to Zaachila


Moto-taxi stand in the center of Zaachila -- 
the mural on the main market was painted by Taller Dund,

The moto-taxi driver
holds my bag filled with prints

receive the bag of prints in Taller Grafica Libre

Later than evening a box of empty portfolios arrived
from DHL


Jorge Mendoza works at La Mano Magica print gallery

Gerardo Martinez receiving his prints in his studio

Beatriz watches as Gerardo looks over his received prints in Oaxaca

Back in Zaachila, Beatriz and Adrian deliver exchange prints to other artists

Everyone looking at the prints they received

Going through all the prints, one by one --
Zaachila has a complete set of prints for exhibiting

The artists, left to right:
Nidia Rosales Moreno (curator),

Taller Estudio Yucucasa, left to right: 

Santall3r, left to right:


I was greeted by Francisco Delgado's mural
when I crossed back into El Paso from Mexico,
the evening of April 9th

Call to Printmakers