Monday, October 19, 2020

Pavel Acevedo live streaming on Instagram, sponsored by Speedball

Pavel Acevedo gave a live stream talk on Instagram on October 20, 2020, at 6:30 PM (PST), sponsored by Speedball.   He invited me to speak as a guest, as well as Xavier Moreno and Alejandra Mares of Tres Gatos Press in Guadalajara, and Chris Estrada of Los Angeles.  

Pavel is also selling his prints as part of a fundraiser in Riverside starting at $20.

People watched from Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Guatemala, Mexico and the United States.

Pavel has opened up Mexico to us, making the Ambos Lados International Print Exchange possible (he also contributed a print to Ambos Lado), as well as bolstering and participating in the previous Desert Triangle Print Carpeta.

The YouTube slideshow below recaps the highlights and flavor of our print adventures, in just over a minute (these photos are posted individually, with captions and links, at the bottom of this blog post):


On Instagram introducing the talk

Pavel's print talk at 6:30 PM (Pacific Standard Time)
Live Streaming on Instagram,
Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Featuring Tres Gatos Press

Featuring Krrrl

Featuring Chris Estrada


Below is an outline of what I am going to say during the talk.

by Krrrl (Karl Whitaker)

I am dedicated to creating print trouble outside the studio AND the taller, on both sides of the frontera.

  • I am not a printmaker -- but I am a TROUBLEMAKER
  • I believe that the print isn't done when it comes off the press.  Its life doesn't start until AFTER the print leaves the studio.  That's where the trouble begins.
  • Paintings are not "art" if you store them under your bed. The viewers do 50% of the work in creating the piece.  Likewise PRINTS have to be seen, but as multiples they have an extra advantage over paintings.  And that is where the fun begins -- in multiple print exhibitions.  It's even more fun when those exhibitions spill across borders!
  • EXHIBITIONS: We have been exhibiting collections of prints since 2013, culminating in the DESERT TRIANGLE PRINT CARPETA (2016) and the AMBOS LADOS INTERNATIONAL PRINT EXCHANGE (2019).  We have exhibited those prints all over the US and Mexico -- Portland, Riverside, Tucson, El Paso, Albuquerque, Santa Fe, Taos, Austin, Dallas, Chicago, Palm Beach, Fla; Mexico City, Puebla, Oaxaca, Monterrey, Ciudad Juarez.  Pavel Acevedo has been part of both of those print collections. Most importantly, it was Pavel who opened the doors to Mexico for us.
  • Moreover we have self-published CATALOGS (our latest in both English and Spanish), and still maintain BLOGS for those exhibitions -- using all the tools of the 21st century to enlarge the reach of the exhibitions. Likewise we keep up with the international printmakers on Instagram.
  • BEYOND THE EXHIBITION: In 2018 in Florida, Joseph Velasquez of "Drive By Press" came to our Desert Triangle opening near Palm Beach, and made prints with skateboards (after taking off the wheels).  A few days later, Tanya Rich and I were in Havana making prints with Octavio Irving, who also participated in Ambos Lados.  So exhibiting prints lead to other unexpected art interactions (which admittedly, they did not pay for themselves), which is where the fun kicks in.
  • In 2019 Manuel Guerra, Marco Sanchez and I took a trip across Mexico to meet a lot of the young Mexican printmakers.  We printed with TORTILLA PRESSES on the streets of Guadalajara with Los Tres Gatos.  We also made prints in Uruapan, Oaxaca, and at Taller 75 Grados in Mexico city. We gave a print presentation at the prestigious IAGO in Oaxaca, while the founder Francisco Toledo was still alive.
  • THE FUTURE:  As we met many great printmakers in Oaxaca and Mexico, I see a future playing "PRINT VOLLEYBALL" between the two countries.  We can cheaply send prints back and forth over "the wall," and have pop-up print exhibitions in both countries.  I might get 5 printmakers together in New Mexico, and invite 5 printmakers from Oaxaca and 5 more from Guadalajara.  People from Albuquerque would come out to see work by the local printmaker heroes, and walk away further buoyed by the 10 great unknown works by young Mexican printmakers.  Likewise the printmakers in Mexico could have a tequila print salon for a night in Guadalajara, showing their work, as well as the 10 prints from Albuquerque and Oaxaca.  Of course, we could document all those pop-up and salon exhibitions on both sides of the border in a blog, and even self-publish a catalog.
  • It would be too expensive to pull off this kind of international art pollinating with sculpture or painting.  However small prints can be mailed across the border CHEAPLY.  And if you lose a print, there are always other copies of that artwork.  However if you lose a painting, you lose a friend.
  • BEYOND THE PRINT: The printmaking impulse can go into overdrive.  Recently Pavel, Tres Gatos and I have been sidebusting on Banksy, pasting large copies of prints in public and forbidden places.  The strong black-and-white image of a print lends itself to enlarging and wheatpasting.  The print exhibition does not have to stop at the gallery.
  • A more substantial example was the Zapata portfolio made by the MAPECO printmakers in Uruapan, Mexico.  They were invited to hang their large prints -- commemorating the 100 years after the death of Emiliano Zapata-- in the community center in Cheran.  CHERAN is a small pueblo in Michoacán that kicked out the government, the police, the illegal loggers, and the drug cartels -- setting up their own autonomous government.  These prints must have had a big impact, bolstering the integrity of those villagers in Cheran. While we had nothing to do with that, the MAPECO printmakers that created the prints did participate in Ambos Lados.  
  • Another example of print overdrive happened in downtown Austin.  When we had a show at Mexic-Arte in 2018, the director asked Los Dos and Jellyfish -- the two collectives exhibiting in the Desert Triangle -- to glue their paste-up print images on the outside wall and create a mural.  The day after the Desert Triangle opening, the whole community was painting the walls and creating a spontaneous print paste-up mural.  Later Augment El Paso enhanced this mural in time for SXSW, so that hipster visitors could view the Mexic-Arte mural animated by augmented reality on their iPhones.  We continued the momentum by making a serigraph edition of that augmented image at Taller 75 Grados in Mexico City.   This is an example of when the printmaking phenomena got way out of hand.
  • BLEEDING EDGE: We had previously employed AUGMENTED REALITY to enhance 3 Desert Triangle prints.  Moreover we also experimented in AI (artificial intelligence) when I recently stole Pavel's print style, and applied it to my drawing in Deep Dream Generator.  I used AI to create the relief print now hanging in Silver City in New Mexico, for the Southwest Print Fiesta Print Exchange By the way, Los Tres Gatos also contributed prints to that exchange exhibition. By bringing all the latest 21st century technology to printmaking, we are staying on the cutting edge.

With Captions

The 23 images below are all in the YouTube slideshow.  They recap some highlights of exhibiting and making prints, in the US and Mexico, on both sides of the Mexican border.

More detailed information is on the following blogs:


 Below is Pavel's excellent new Covid print:

Below is an excellent video of Pavel making his latest Covid print.

Somewhere, on the streets of LA:

Somewhere on the streets of Guadalajara -- Tres Gatos Press were Pavel's first guest on the Speedball live stream.  They sell their prints on Big Cartel:

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Albuquerque Ambos Printmakers Steamrolling out of a Covid Summer

Two Ambos Lados printmakers in Albuquerque -- Mike Kimball and Henry Morales -- tried to steamroll out of the Covid pandemic.

Steamroller printing in Albuquerque, New Mexico
(during the Zozobra broadcast)

The Albuquerque steamroller printing event kicked off the Labor Day weekend, on Friday, September 4, 2020, at the Isleta Amphitheater.  The main attraction was the annual burning of Zozobra in Santa Fe, which was projected on the big screen later that night.  Visitors watched the broadcasted burning while tailgating in the parking lot, still observing social distancing restrictions against Covid 19.  New Mexico Zozobra predated Burning Man by decades!

Henry Morales had previously contributed to the Desert Triangle Print Carpeta; and Mike Kimball is listed on the Placitas ArtistsMesa Artists, and Mission Artists websites, covering three border states.

The Dynamic Steamroller Printer duo
straight outta Ambos Lados --

The steamroller event was directed by
(Lincoln Draper taking photos, left,
is one of the 4 co-owners of Remarque)

Jessica Krichels, one of the 4 co-owners of Remarque Print Workshop,
gives an interview with KOB TV

NOTE:  Jessica Weybright of Ambos Lados is also one of the 4 co-owners of Remarque Print Workshop.  She and Mary Sundstrom (also co-owner)  stayed back at the printmaking studio to hold a virtual printmaking opening on Zoom, going on at the same time.

The true heroes, 
and Anthony Stewart (r) did all the hard work

Kent Swanson
Public Art Coordinator for Bernalillo County
organized the event

Mike Kimball stands in front 
of his steamroller print of a classic car

Mike Kimball stands in front
of his other print of the Rail Runner trains

Henry Morales stands in front of his steamroller print 
of the Sandia Mountains (right)
(the Sandia Mountains approve in the background)

Henry Morales' second print,
of corn stalk

Zooming photo tries to capture the spirit of the event

the view from the printmaking tent

Sunset in Albuquerque
on a successful Steamroller Printing event


The first two links show more pictures of the event (including most of the pictures above).

Carving his big Sandia Mountains print

I took pictures of Henry Morales carving out his large steamroller woodcut on September 1, 2020, just days before the big event on September 4th. 




This was not Mike Kimball's first steamroller printing rodeo.  He also made big steamroller prints during the Southwest Print Fiestas down in Silver City, New Mexico --  in both 2017 and 2018. He has also steamroller printed in Oklahoma City.

Steamroller printing in 2019

If this year's Albuquerque steamroller printing event was not inspired by the 2019 Southwest Print Fiesta in Silver City, the video footage of Sarah Parker's steamroller print below helped guide the event somewhat.

El Paso

Steamroller printing has been on our radar since 2014, when Kim Bishop and Luis Valderas of San Antonio, directed a steamroller printing activity in downtown El Paso during the Chalk the Block festival.  Francisco Delgado of Ambos Lados participated in that event. 

of Steamroller Prints in 2015

The steamroller prints made in El Paso in 2014 were exhibited in downtown San Antonio at the Texas A&M University-San Antonio Educational and Cultural Arts Center (ECAC) (formerly the ex-Museo Alameda), along with another set of prints done in San Antonio.  That's high status!

It Came from the Bayou

Outlaw printmaker Carlos Hernandez and crew have been steamroller printing for years in Houston, during the annual  "It Came from the Bayou" printmaking event at St Arnold Brewery.

Surreal Covid Summer
in Albuquerque

Later on that same night, September 4th, they continued the monthly Albuquerque Artwalk downtown. Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham had just lifted some of the Covid restrictions a week before, allowing restaurants to open at 25% capacity. There was a lot of activity around 9 PM downtown, people were probably just dying to get out of the house after months of hard lockdown.

During the September Albuquerque Artwalk, Malcolm King (of Ambos Lados) and company put out their first Zine from the 111 Media Arts Collective (the Infame Zine comes out of Guadalajara,
made by other Ambos printmakers)

Zine #1
by Malcolm King and company

APOLOGY:  Your blogger lives in Albuquerque, and does not always know about the progress of other Ambos Lados printmakers in the rest of the US, Mexico, and overseas.  However, he is sure that the other Ambos Lados printmakers are stirring it up around the world.

Call to Printmakers