We had a great opening in Albuquerque at the Outpost Performance Space/Inpost on Saturday, February 6th, 2022. Thank you very much for having us Tom Guralnick, director of the Outpost!!!
Brooks Walch stepped up with his expertise
and made prints on the Tortilla Press during the opening
Big banner at the Outpost Performance Space
advertising Ambos Lados showing at the Inpost
Nice turnout for the opening
Juliana Kirwin standing underneath her print (l)
with Jeanette Cook (r)
Susan (Skuishii) Gonzalez pointing at her print --
she drove up all the way from El Paso to go to the opening
Eric and Meg from Denver (l) with Gabe (r)
pointing at Krrrl's print --
The Ambos Lados International Print Exchange was organized on both sides of the border
- By Horned Toad Prints in El Paso (director Manuel Guerra)
- and Taller Gráfica Libre in Zachilla, Oaxaca (Beatriz Rivas and Adrian Aguirre)
Ambos Lados was organized by Horned Toad Prints (director Manuel Guerra) in El Paso
The curators Lacey Chrisco and Chandler Wigton
consulting just before the opening
We did live printing on a Tortilla Press, which was innovated by 3 Gatos Press from Guadalajara, the two members participated in Ambos Lados (Alejandra Mares and Xavier Moreno). They invited us to do some Tortilla Press printing in Tlaquepaque when we visited in 2019.
Lacey Chrisco with the first Tortilla Press print!
Chandler Wigton made the second Tortilla Press print. He was one of two curators for the exhibition:
Chandler Wigton making his print on the Tortilla Press
Tom Brown
Tara Walch with her print
Brooks Walch holding his print
The new relief prints made during the opening
on the Tortilla Press
stepped up to the Tortilla Press
and made a print from one of the Tres Gatos Press plates
Lawrence Welborn, Barbara Endicott and Heidi
we were pleasantly surprised that they came to the opening
Adric and Rebecca from Quelab came!!!
Brooks Walch jumped in and helped out a lot
making prints of his block as well as those of others
on the Tortilla Press!
Thank you Brooks Walch!
Prints on the table
some of which were given out for free during the opening
The Ambos Lados poster
hanging on the bulletin board at the Outpost
Thank you again Tom Guralnick, the director of the Outpost Performance Space:
UPDATE (February 20, 2022): Lacey Chrisco was also the assistant curator for the the printmaking exhibition at the Albuquerque Museum -- Printer's Proof: Artist and Printer Collaborations. In the photograph below she is introducing the master printmakers at the talk during the opening on February 19th, 2022:
Lacey Chrisco (left)
introducing the master printmakers
during the talk at the Albuquerque Museum
Again, both Lacey Chrisco and Chandler Wigton curated this Ambos Lados show at the Outpost Performance Space.